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After collecting photos through the camera, we will do some processing, and at this time we often need some graphics to indicate, such as marking an arrow at a certain position in the picture, using a rectangular frame to prompt after face recognition, etc. This section is about learning how to use the function of drawing on graphics.

Experiment Purpose

Draw various graphics on the image captured by the camera.

Experimental Explanation

In the previous section, we learned about the application of the camera sensor module. The real-time data collected by the camera is the image. Yes, this section of the experiment is based on the very important image module. CanMV has encapsulated image processing (including drawing) into various modules. We only need to be familiar with its constructor and usage, as follows:

class image



Returns the image object captured by the camera.

img=image.Image(path[, copy_to_fb=False])

Create an image object by reading a picture.

  • copy_to_fb: Choose whether to load large images.
    • True : Can load large images.
    • False : Cannot load large images.

Example:img = image.Image("01Studio.bmp", copy_to_fb=True) #Indicates loading the 01Studio.bmp picture in the root directory.

img=image.Image(w, h, format)

Actively create an image.

  • w: width
  • h: height
  • format : Image format. Some formats are as follows:
    • GRAYSCALE : Grayscale images;
    • RGB565 : 16-bit color; (Most image processing functions use this format.)
    • RGB888 : 24-bit true color

Example:img = image.Image(640, 480, image.RGB565) #Indicates creating a 640x480 image in RGB565 format.


image.draw_line(x0, y0, x1, y1[, color[, thickness=1]])

Draw line.

  • x0, y0: Starting coordinates;
  • x1, y1: End point coordinates;
  • color: Line color;
  • thickness: Line Thickness;

image.draw_rectangle(x, y, w, h[, color[, thickness=1[, fill=False]]])

Draw a rectangle.

  • x, y: Starting coordinates;
  • w: width;
  • h: height;
  • color: color;
  • thickness: Border thickness;
  • fill: fill or not.
    • True : fill;
    • False : Not fill.

image.draw_circle(x, y, radius[, color[, thickness=1[, fill=False]]])

Draw circle

  • x, y: Center of the circle;
  • radius: radius;
  • color: color;
  • thickness: Border thickness;
  • fill: fill or not;、
    • True : fill;
    • False : Not fill.

image.draw_arrow(x0, y0, x1, y1[, color[, size,[thickness=1]]])

Draw arrow.

  • x0, y0: Starting coordinates;
  • x1, y1: End point coordinates;
  • color: color;
  • size: Arrow position size;
  • thickness: Border thickness;

image.draw_cross(x, y[, color[, size=5[, thickness=1]]])

Draw cross.

  • x, y: Center coordinates of cross;
  • color: color;
  • size: size of the cross;
  • thickness: order thickness;

image.draw_string(x, y, text[, color[, scale=1[,mono_space=True]]]])

Draw String。

  • x, y: Starting coordinates;
  • text: text;
  • color: color;
  • scale: size of the font;
  • mono_space: Mandatory interval;
    • True : interval;
    • False : No interval.

image.draw_string_advanced(x, y, char_size,str,[color, font])

Draw String(support Chinese)

  • x, y: Starting coordinates;
  • char_size: size of the font;
  • text: text;
  • color: color;
  • font: font type.

For more usage, please read: CanMV K230 Docs

After getting familiar with the drawing function of the image object, we try to draw line segments, rectangles, circles, arrows, crosses and characters in the images captured by the camera. The specific programming ideas are as follows:


Demo Name:Draw
Platform:01Studio CanMV K230
Description: Draw various graphics and write characters, and display them through IDE and LCD.

import time, os, sys

from media.sensor import * #Import the sensor module and use the camera API
from media.display import * #Import the display module and use display API
from import * #Import the media module and use meida API

sensor = Sensor() #Constructing a camera object
sensor.reset() #reset the Camera
#sensor.set_framesize(Sensor.FHD) #Set frame size to FHD (1920x1080), default channel 0
sensor.set_framesize(width=800,height=480) #Set frame size to 800x480,mipi LCD,channel0
sensor.set_pixformat(Sensor.RGB565) #Set the output image format, channel 0

## 3 different ways to display images (modify annotations)

#Display.init(Display.VIRT, sensor.width(), sensor.height()) #Displaying images via IDE buffer
#Display.init(Display.LT9611, to_ide=True) #Displaying images via HDMI
Display.init(Display.ST7701, to_ide=True) #Display images through 01Studio 3.5-inch mipi display

MediaManager.init() #Initialize the media resource manager #Start the camera

clock = time.clock()

while True:

## Write codes here

img = sensor.snapshot() #Take a picture

# Draw a line segment: from x0, y0 to x1, y1, color red, line width 2.
img.draw_line(20, 20, 100, 20, color = (255, 0, 0), thickness = 2)

#Draw a rectangle: green without filling.
img.draw_rectangle(150, 20, 100, 30, color = (0, 255, 0), thickness = 2, fill = False)

#Draw a circle: no blue fill.
img.draw_circle(60, 120, 30, color = (0, 0, 255), thickness = 2, fill = False)

#Draw arrow: white.
img.draw_arrow(150, 120, 250, 120, color = (255, 255, 255), size = 20, thickness = 2)

#Draw Cross
img.draw_cross(60, 200, color = (255, 255, 255), size = 20, thickness = 2)

#Draw String
#img.draw_string(150, 200, "Hello 01Studio!", color = (255, 255, 255), scale = 4, mono_space = False)

#Write characters, support Chinese.
img.draw_string_advanced(150, 180, 30, "Hello 01Studio", color = (255, 255, 255))
img.draw_string_advanced(40, 300, 30, "人生苦短, 我用Python", color = (255, 255, 255))


print(clock.fps()) #FPS

Experimental Results

Open the drawing routine file in CanMV IDE and click Run. You can see various graphics drawn on the LCD.


The IDE buffer also has corresponding display:


Drawing graphics is a very basic function and will be used frequently in future experiments, especially when indicating identification content.